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New life

Hello everyone!
I am back after a quite a lengthy hiatus, and am happy to say that I am currently writing to you from Croatia!
There were a lot of tough times regarding my pets and shipping them, lack of internet, and in general NOTHING going my way. Now, however, I feel great. I have been here only a couple of days but the difference is drastic. I am not stressed out anymore, I feel great physically (save for my feet which have been killing me for over a week). I am so rested! Its ridiculous! I go to bed after midnight and wake up before 7am on my own, fully rested and ready to go!
Days are going by much slower, but in a good way. There is no rush and I feel like more can get done in less time. We have looked at some houses and will make a purchase soon, hopefully.
I am back to doing some major writing work and dedicating time to this blog as well as launching a freelancing   website.
Currently I am  thinkering with Textbroker and 
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So far so good with both of them. 
You can look forward to a final review of as well in the near future (hopefully) as I am nearing payout. I often forget to do it though and its being buggy more and more so my hopes are not high of it being legit but I figure...Ive gone over $41.00 already...I'm not going to stop now! 

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